Welcome to the Year of the Engine – the Conditioning Super Cycle. This page explains what to expect and how to use the program.
Each month has 4 training weeks. Training days are identified by Day Types: Endurance, Anaerobic, etc. As you progress through the program, you’ll unlock more Day Types.
Click on a Day Type Link to see the day’s training. Upon completion, enter your total score and the modality you used. The app will calculate a pace and log your Pace, Day Type, and Modality. These will be displayed on screen.
Data analytics enhance your user experience. When you click the List Icon, you’ll see your past results for that Day Type. For example, when you take on Anaerobic Day in Week 4, you will have three past Anaerobic Day Type scores to guide your pacing. Note that in Week 1, the list will be empty.
As you progress, your data set grows into your Engine Profile, which identifies any gaps in your training and recognizes some your physiological attributes. Your Engine Profile not only tracks progress, but measures the contribution of your glycolytic and oxidative systems. Your Engine Profile is an objective measurement of your Work Capacity across all training days.
You can review your results anytime. Click on My Results to see summary statistics. Filter and sort your results according to Day Type, Modality, and other criteria. There is almost no limit to the data you can generate.
Click here for information about each Day Type.
Click here for information about equipment selection.
Click here for information about integrating YoE with other training.
Click here for a diagram and discussion of the structure of the full 36-month program.
Click here for our Physiological Model of Work Capacity, along with links to supporting research papers.
Click here for our Engine Series podcasts
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