Welcome to the Advanced Knowledge page! This is our information repository for coaches and athletes who want to know more about fitness, athletics, performance, nutrition and related topics.
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Fundamentals of Glycogen Metabolism For Coaches and Athletes
Role of the phosphocreatine system on energetic homeostasis in skeletal and cardiac muscles
Myosin Isoforms, Muscle Fiber Types, and Transitions
Post Exercise Glycogen Resynthesis in Humans
Energy System Interaction and Relative Contribution During Maximal Exercise
Fatigue Induces Long Lasting Detrimental Changes in Motor Skill Learning
Rate of Force Development: Physiological and Methodological Considerations
Consolidation of Human Skill Linked to Walking Hippo-Campo-Neocortical Replay
Cellular Metabolic Homeostasis During Large-Scale Change in ATP Turnover Rates in Muscle