Applied Power combines the best practices of strength and power training with industry leading metrics and analytics. Any decent program will make you strong. But functional fitness requires you to be powerful at all points on the force velocity curve. Yet many athletes train like powerlifters or follow generic templates.
While nearly any program works for less experienced athletes, increasing strength and power requires a comprehensive approach which develops all aspects of these key parameters. Squats, deadlifts, presses and rows are the foundations of strength, and we do plenty. But Applied Power also includes accessories to correct imbalances, focus on weaknesses and improve general strength. Outstanding strength rarely occurs without outstanding technique. You’ll become stronger, more proficient and injury resistant at the same time. Applied Power makes athletes strong, balanced, and technically sound.
When you get started, we’ll collect some data to assess your strength and power according to broad spectrum of parameters. We’ll identify mechanical advantages and disadvantages, measure technical imbalances, and recognize gaps in your expression of strength and power. Then we’ll program the right mix of volume and intensity, technical drills, and accessory work to accelerate your gains.
Advanced Concepts: Applied Power is built on fundamentals. This strong foundation allows us to introduce advanced concepts like plyometrics, ballistic training and velocity work. Plateaus happen, but we’ll break through them faster than anyone.
Analytics Unleashed
Individualized programming is only the beginning. Applied Power captures and analyzes your results as you train. With our platform, you’ll track:
The frequency, percentage, and weight of any missed lifts, to pinpoint and correct technical issues.
Perceived exertion from every training day. We can quantify improved strength and muscle endurance, as well as sniff out plateaus before they happen.
Changes in key performance ratios, so we can adjust on the fly and accelerate your gains
Aggregate fatigue and loading, so you never overtrain.
While you train, the platform tracks your progress in each key parameter to assess your progress in between test weeks. Applied Power synthesizes data and optimizes your training, so you always get the stimulus you need.
We’re always here to help. We’ll make sure you get maximum value and knowledge from the analytics, and we’re always availaBle for video review or assistance. You’ll save 10% if you sign up quarterly. You always control your account through the customer portal. There is no obligation; you can cancel your account at any time, with no notice.
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